Monday, September 28, 2009

The Knight with the Lion (Yvain) p. 353-380

Our names are the titles of our stories, the representative of our achievements and the exemplar of our choices. Yvain’s personal struggle drives him to shed his own name and thus purging himself of the reputation and perhaps even the detailed memory of his ill choices of the past. His ultimate ambition for this new name is not only to cleanse himself but also to represent his transformation – his rebirth; Yvain’s choice to seek a life driven by benevolence and justice rather than his previous selfish feelings of hubris and adventure. We see this choice made real and true when he decided to slay the dragon and rescue the lion. This metamorphosis directs him through extensive trials to bear him into a future void of any and all the old wickedness, which clung to his heart.

I found the concluding reconciliation of Yvain and Laudine interesting to say the least. They are brought together by another transaction of deceit; we see Lunete’s manipulation once more bringing the two together. Despite the evident trickery employed to get them together once more, I can’t help but feel some sort of genuineness emanating from the concluding state of the two, after Yvain declares the hardship in which he suffered since the moment of his madness.

I also find it interesting that Yvain seems to take back his old name, perhaps to bring himself back to the time when he and Laudine were in peace. I believe perhaps even it is a final transformation he undergoes. Almost a concluding tranquility, he has succeeded in balancing and bringing harmony to his formerly chaotic and rambunctious existence. Perhaps this can connect to why Chrétien can finally give his name to the work, for he delivered Yvain through his troubles and can now peacefully receive recognition for his achievement. The turbulent storms shift and a serene light can shine on the kingdom now ruled under him and his ladies soothing accord; I personally find the ending to be satisfying and quite peaceful.

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