Sunday, September 20, 2009

Erec and Enide 90-122 Conclusion

Erec and Enide’s reinforced and embedded love for one another strengthens and securely facets itself within their hearts within the fruition and heart-warming conclusion to this epic romance. Despite his word, I still believe Erec held little view on the outcome or bearings of this grand journey. His obsession with proving himself to his peers and the judging eyes and tongue of his gabbing wife – despite her obvious well-intentioned words and overall concerned manner – drove him to these lavish achievements and dangerous feats.

I see this near-death coma his wounds seal him into as a revelation and a realization of the overall purpose and outcome of their quest. As he awakes to the cries and pleas of his beloved Enide, he leaps to protect her and yield relief to her grief-stricken heart. This rebirth seemingly rends Erec clean of his more selfish and deplorable attributes. The text even seems to claim he is more handsome, evident by the admiration and expression of the villagers of Brandigan (104-5). Beyond his spiritual and physical renewal, Erec seems to have reinvigorated the fire and passion he previously touted for the sweet and beautiful Enide. This passing through life and death and back into the grasp of Enide evidently clears Erec’s plagued mind and soul of his vices this journey so excellently conveyed; through this cleansing fire he is capable of replenishing the relentless adoration and commitment he once immersed around himself.

He claims the journey’s origin as a “test” to measure Enide’s trust and love for him, perhaps this is so – but my perspective leads me to belief this result to be an enlightenment gifted to Erec through his trials. The pursuit of Erec’s journey originated in his ego and his overall yearning to prove his strength and might as a chivalrous knight, yet through these troubles a beautiful happening captivated both Enide and his hearts – they were able to see the extent and justification of each other’s devotion and admirations for the other. Through this renaissance of each other’s love and fidelity, the two joyful spirits entwined blissfully into a more flawless foundation to support their people, friends, kingdom and finally each other.

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